Monday, June 11, 2007

A Daily Struggle

I am really having a struggle with the nutrition aspect of my weight loss plan. I have noticed that running, biking, and swimming is so much easier for me then staying within 1500 – 1800 calories each day.

When my plan calls for me to ride for 2 hours, no problem. When my plan states to avoid pasta or white breads then whoops, Houston we have a problem. I guess that just like anything else I need to turn eating healthy into a habit, and the only way for me to do that is to practice it over and over.


LBTEPA said...

You're so critical of yourself Tony! Slow is relative, shape is relative, eating well is relative - you're doing the hard yards and building a great base for health. I find any kind of habit modification, but ESPECIALLY diet, takes many many starts and restarts before it's entrenched. You can do it, cos you are doing it!

Anonymous said...

Tony, it will come. There's that whole Rome wasn't built in a day thing.

For many people complete avoidance of foods they love only results in binging. You could consider playing with quantities ... if you can't avoid the pasta, decrease the quantity of pasta, add another vegetable serving and eat that first.

Comm's said...

It is tough. I could give you ten great ways to help but I have also broken all ten ways at some point or another.

the important thing is that you stay consistent throughout. Bad lunch...get back on track. Miss a workout...get back on track. Its okay to stumble, we all do and will again. Its the ability to keep the vision that will make you a success.

Your body will see changes gradually and then pick up speed. be patient

Tri-Angle said...

I'm with ya Tony.
Commodore once said, well more than once. "Food is for Fuel, not Entertainment." A tough pill to swallow, and I haven't ,.....cuz I "effen" love food too much. We'll get there, I've got 30 Xtra and want it gone too bud

Di said...

Tony - you should do what Bigun and I have done. We went to one of those places where you make the meals there, package and bring them home and feeze them. It's actually more economical than buying at the food store. I am going to email you the link. We go to Dinner Done here in Tampa but they are scattered all over the place. It really helps you stay on target for healthy eating. No breads, pastas...hard hard hard.

The Big Cheese said...

I am with you brotha'

BTW, I have bigger tits.