I just had a great quick workout on the treadmill. I think I am going to do this quite often. It was fun, challenging, and it was over quick.
Min X Incline:
2 x 0
2 x 4
2 x 6
2 x 8
2 x 10
2 x 12
then back down:
2 x 12
2 x 10
2 x 8
2 x 6
2 x 4
2 x 2
2 x 0
Anyways it was 28 minutes of fun.
This was the worst day of the diet by far. I tripled my daily intake because I gave into temptation at lunch with my coworkers this afternoon and I gave in tonight with some candy as well. I have failed. Tomorrow is a new day and I need to stay focused and make it count towards my goal.
Resting metabolic rate = 1642
Caloric intake = 2936
Exercise = 274
Caloric Surplus = 1020

hey, you are being so consistent - I know you will start to feel the benefits soon if you haven't already!
Gorgeous photos too :)
one day is not a habit Tony. You have had more good days than bad. Its okay to actually enjoy a binge day every now and then to keep the binge at bay. sort of like incorporating a run/walk plan so you just don't run till you bonk and then do the death trudge.
That's a funny pic. I had to look at it a couple of times even though I knew what it was.
Caloric intake, blah blah blah. Just get your Fu#&ing ass moving more and everything will fall into place.
Sign up for a big race (ironman or something large) and you'll naturally fall into a rhythm. You won't worry about how much you have eaten, but rather the quality of what you have so you can have a great training day.
Its all good dude!!!!
Hilarious pic! Kudos to photographer!
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